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MAP View & MAP View Options Report Overview

MAP Top 20 Report Overview

Big Money Index Overview

How Hedge Funds Trade Stocks

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is MAPsignals research for?

Our research can be used by anyone interested in the markets. We have unique research used by hedge funds, financial advisors, and everyday people that enjoy markets and growth stocks.

Do you offer free trials?

From time to time we may offer free trials that convert to paid subscriptions after the trial period ends. In general, free trials are part of promotions that may or may not happen in the future.

However, we do offer a monthly subscription that can be cancelled at anytime. This is a great option for those who are looking to test our research out and not pay for a full year up front.

How do I use MAPsignals research?

Our research is very unique and is used in different ways depending on the individual. We take a top down approach to the market by measuring big money trading on thousands of stocks each day. From there, we showcase where the big money is moving by sector and the market in general. Our research has pinpointed market tops and bottoms based around this unique approach. Watch videos of our research here.

When you rank thousands of stocks each day, you learn a thing or two. We isolate outlier stocks… i.e., the best in class being bought up by big institutions. Most of our readers are most interested in our top ranked stocks.

What does UI mean?

UI stands for unusual institutional. This is our unique Big Money signal that reveals outlier stocks. This is our proprietary method that we created over many years sitting on trading desks handling very large order-flow. This signal is our strong indication that an institution is likely getting involved in the stock.

What is the Big Money Index?

The Big Money Index is our index tracking a moving average of buys and sells in the market. It is a moving average of our powerful big money signals.

In general, when the index is rising we expect higher market prices. When this happens, buyers outnumber sellers. When the index is falling, we expect the market will fall because sellers outnumber buyers.

There are overbought and oversold levels in this index. Those are some of our most powerful market signals.

Have you backtested your results?

Yes! We have many white papers showcasing how powerful our method is. Over time we’ve found that the best stocks keep heading higher. These are the outliers. This is where we spend our time and energy.

What makes MAPsignals unique?

We are unique in that we look at big unusual trading in stocks. We do this on a very large scale and extract information not seen by looking at charts alone. This gives us a perspective unlike anyone else.

Our founders collectively spent decades trading billions of dollars of shares…sometimes in a day. They handled some of the largest orders on Wall Street. They took that education and created a cutting-edge research company.

Do you trade your own stocks?

We love what we do. We practice what we preach. Our founders do hold positions in many stocks that are included in our research. They are not day-traders, rather they look for the best companies out there. They hold them for years.

Why does the MAP Top 20 single out the top 5 stocks? What does “stocks we like” mean?

Our research is designed to find the best stocks likely being bought by institutions. We’ve done this for years. What we have learned is that the top 5 ranked stocks usually include outliers.

Being that we’ve been doing this for so long, we’ve learned a few things about stocks. “Stocks we like” are those that continue to show up in our research. Those tend to be the outliers…the best in class. We make note of them to help our readers see the trends in our core names.

What is the difference between the Top 20 report and the MAP 50?

Our PRO subscription gets everything that we offer. With it, you will receive our top 20 report each Tuesday (52 reports per year).

If an investor wants a steady stream of ideas each week, then the platinum is the way to go. However, some investors are happy with just one report each month. The MAP 50 is perfect for that.

Something to keep in mind – if the market or a sector has a sudden move in the middle of the month, the Top 20 will likely show that movement. The MAP 50 is constructed by taking the prior 6 months of Top 20 reports to weed out the noise. For this reason, the MAP 50 may miss a large rotation.

Do you have white papers?

All of our white papers can be found here. Our white papers are based around our stock selection methodology and performance.

Do you have videos and webinars?

Our videos and webinars can be found here.

Do you have performance numbers?

Our performance for stocks and options can be found here.

How can I upgrade, downgrade, or cancel my subscription?

You can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your subscription at any time by heading to

Can I source charts from MAPsignals?

Yes! You can source any of our free charts/content as long as you source “MAPsignals.”

Investing Q & A

Q: How should I use the MAPsignals data to select stocks?

A: The best way to use the data depends on your individual needs and investment style. There isn’t a single right answer, because different users have different risk tolerances, time frames, and investment goals.

  • Consider your personal investment approach: Are you a long-term investor, a swing trader, or something else? How long do you typically hold stocks? Some investors may hold for a week, while others hold for months or years. MAPsignals is not represented as model portfolios.
    • Assess your resources: Do you have a large amount of capital, or are you an individual investor with a more limited budget? Your resources may impact how many stocks you can buy.
      • Match your strategy to the data: Match the data output with your risk tolerance, time frames and general approach to investing or trading.

Q: Should I buy all the new “buy” stocks listed each week?

A: It is generally not practical for an individual investor to buy all the new stocks listed each week. The lists are intended to help you narrow down a very large universe of stocks. The weekly lists show the highest ranked stocks with the likelihood of continued strength.

  • The lists are a starting point for your analysis.
  • Use the lists to identify a smaller list of candidates that you can analyze further.

Q: What guidelines should new members follow?

A: Here’s a suggested approach, based on how the data is used internally:

  • Start with the weekly lists of stocks showing Big Money buying.
  • Look for stocks with higher fundamental scores (above 70) and technical scores that are not too high (ideally between 70-80).
  • Also look for MAP scores that are in the 70-85 range.
  • Then review these candidates to see which ones match your personal criteria (e.g., not too much debt, strong cash flow).
  • Do your own analysis to see which stocks fit your investment style.

Q: How does MAPsignals determine which stocks to list?

A: MAPsignals uses data to identify outlier stocks that have a high likelihood of appreciation. They cast a wide net to find stocks to help build portfolios. MAPsignals has 34 years of data to support its methods.

Q: Does MAPsignals offer model portfolios or give financial advice?

A: No, MAPsignals services are not represented as model portfolios. While MAPsignals data powers publishing products that include model portfolios, you don’t get all the stocks, just the ones selected for that issue. The information provided is not personalized financial advice. It’s important to discuss your situation with a registered financial advisor.

Q: Does MAPsignals publish performance figures?

A: MAPsignals does not publish official performance figures. This is because clients use the data in different ways, such as for short-term trades, longer-term holds, or other strategies. From time to time we may publish updated hypothetical performance from our published research.

Q: What tools are available to help me use the data?

A: A MAP Pro Membership offers Portal tools such as Daily Stock Analysis, Top-Ranked Stocks, MAP View, and the Portfolio Creator. More advanced tools such as Portfolio Scoring, ETF Scoring, and a Stock Screener are planned for the future.

Q: What is the main goal of MAPsignals?

A: MAPsignals was designed to make sense of the stock market. It provides a list of stocks that may be of interest to you, but it’s up to you to determine which ones best suit your needs. MAPsignals seeks to identify high-caliber companies being supported by institutions.