Frequent Flyers Crush The Market
“We have lift off” says Mapsignals’ 2nd half top stocks. Studies show only a small percentage of stocks are responsible for most of the gains in the market over decades. That’s what makes Mapsignals’ search for outlier stocks worth it. The best stocks are almost always supported by smart money. That’s what we look for- big money buying the best stocks.
We are almost at the 2nd half mark of 2019, so let’s look at how our best stocks from the last half of 2018 have done thus far. In our white paper, Outliers, on page 12 we show how the strongest stocks tend to crush the market. Well, that’s exactly what happened based on the following chart:
The tickers that made up this hypothetical portfolio are listed here for our members only. We will be releasing the latest batch of tickers shortly after the end of June.
Bottom Line: leaders lead. Take your cues from the information found in how the best stocks trade.